Thursday 12 April 2012

Stoner Sketch of the Day

A breathtaking portrait of Johnny Cash by a frient known as Hari-Kiri, from r/trees.

Sunday 8 April 2012

Stoner Sketch of the Day

Absolutely brilliant piece of stoner artwork that we found on r/trees. Love the detail and the creature on the guy's head (sloth?)

Uploaded by you_ever_wanted
Original artwork by Michal Dziekan, check him out at

It's true, possession charges aren't enough to convince everyone we're all big time crack dealers

If being arrested for victimless crimes isn't bad enough, there's always the sly little "intent to distribute" clauses to watch out for. In the eyes of the law passing a joint is viewed as "social dealing" and could land people with and elevated sentence in court. A recent example:
Andrew Bartolo admitted supplying a class B drug on February 25 and was given a four-week community order with a curfew from 8pm-7am each day.
He gave a small bag of the drug to his brother, Michael Bartolo, to put in his old bedroom, but police stopped him after smelling the pungent plant in the street.
Really fair

By the way, protip: Smells can't permeate through GLASS JARS. 

Saturday 7 April 2012

Stoner Sketch of the Day

An ode to Snoop Doggy Dog made from various weed related objects.
Uploaded to r/trees by seth030393

Friday 6 April 2012

Stoner Sketch of the Day

From our frients at r/trees
Posted by PsychadelicSheep
As we are all no doubt aware, In England, most people drink once a week or less. Women stick to two to three units a day and men drink up to three or four units, and are therefore in no risk of damaging their health. Right? 

Alcohol has long being culturally ingrained in Britain and is therefore one of the only drugs that the members of our omniscient parliament have actually tried. In fact, many of them are probably quite familiar with the drug, and would due to this know, of course, that it is completely safe and should remain legal while many less harmful drugs I.E cannabis remain illegal. 

Sadly, the legality of the substance creates a much more convincing social stigma than hard evidence on the subject. Take for example a man who enjoys a joint or bong every evening compared to a man who drinks a few beers or whatever poison he may choose to pick. The former is a drug addict and the latter is just a connoisseur of fine drink. 

I guess that's completely fair

A sigh of relief as dangerous criminal Gary Brearley is prevented from being set loose on the streets for a short while longer

Judge Alan Goldsack's recent condemnation of Barnsley cannabis cultivators in spite of the new sentencing guidelines ( to have sparked a bit of cheeky defiance on the part of lawmakers as Gary Brearley 45, a dangerous criminal (and amputee trying to deal with the pain caused by his missing foot) no doubt guilty of committing many crimes against humanity was denied bail on Thursday as he nears the start of an appeal next month against his particularly just and well deserved 9 month sentence.