Sunday 8 April 2012

It's true, possession charges aren't enough to convince everyone we're all big time crack dealers

If being arrested for victimless crimes isn't bad enough, there's always the sly little "intent to distribute" clauses to watch out for. In the eyes of the law passing a joint is viewed as "social dealing" and could land people with and elevated sentence in court. A recent example:
Andrew Bartolo admitted supplying a class B drug on February 25 and was given a four-week community order with a curfew from 8pm-7am each day.
He gave a small bag of the drug to his brother, Michael Bartolo, to put in his old bedroom, but police stopped him after smelling the pungent plant in the street.
Really fair

By the way, protip: Smells can't permeate through GLASS JARS. 

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